Friday, April 7, 2017

Family, Photography & Videography

Despite the fact that there is currently snow falling from the sky, I know it's only a matter of time before we transition into migrating warblers, more amphibians, fish sampling, turtle trapping, plant identification, and more. Browns and grays (and yes, whites) are going to transition to greens and blues soon enough. So I need to give the spring ducks a little more air time.

One of the unexpected and really enjoyable aspects of this project thus far has been the number of family members -- immediate and extended -- who have carved out some time to come pay us a visit. Recently, a second cousin (cousin's son) dropped in for his second visit . . . this time, wielding a pretty awesome camera and the knowledge of how to use it. Deke is just finishing up school in Vermont and is trying to decide if/how he could scratch the environmental itch professionally. Like so many of us, his course work has lead him down an exploratory path, but now he's reaching the proverbial fork in the road. What's next?

Photography and videography are a related passion for Deke, and we were the beneficiaries a couple weeks back. I just got the raw footage. While he was with me I got to spend a couple hours trying to gently corral migrating ducks -- mainly shovelers, pintails, widgeon, and teal -- toward Deke and his camera, as he juggled ever-changing light and Phragmites in the face. The footage above was taken as I was regrouping in our 4-wheeler. What I thought was going to be the least interesting footage turned out to be some of the most compelling -- other than maybe some close-ups that I'll hopefully get to share later. For a first effort though, we did pretty well. I'm hoping it's not our last field day together, whether we're looking through a lens or not.

P.S. One of the opportunities we see for this place ties directly to nature photography. Over the last 20+ years, I have been fortunate enough to get to know renowned photographer, journalist, and instructor Art Weber as a mentor and friend. For those of you who don't know Art, he is a ridiculously fun and humble talent who not only spent the majority of his career with the Metroparks of Toledo, but he also blessed our community with the National Center for Nature Photography at Secor Metropark. For those in the area who don't yet know this hidden gem, do yourself a favor and check it out. Exhibits are always changing and always awesome!

At any rate, Art sees tremendous opportunity for Standing Rush because we have both the scale and the solitude to offer something meaningful. We're large enough at ~600 acres (1) not only to draw unique and consistent wildlife but also (2) to offer a buffer from the outside world. You might think the highways bisecting our property in both directions would be a hindrance. While they certainly cut both ways, you'd be amazed how easily they are tuned out -- by people and wildlife. And unlike the national refuges and state wildlife areas, we can offer a photographer good chances to see something cool at close range without the risk of being busted by an unsuspecting birdwatcher or hiker with her dog. We hope that we can add photography clinics to our growing list of activities in 2017.