Monday, January 1, 2024
Monday, May 31, 2021
May: Sometimes Green Leads to Improved Water Quality
Beyond the characteristic influx of spring migrants passing through on the wing (see previous post), May was defined by an emphasis on water quality.
One evolving project that we are extremely excited about brings many of our favorite things together: marsh restoration & management, water quality, interactive education, emerging technologies, and functional data collection & analysis. At the invitation of our friends from Toledo Public Schools, we have been asked to host a water quality data collecting buoy that is being developed by an incredibly gifted collection of scientific minds. This unique collaboration was conceived and is being spear-headed by a robotics and software engineer from the NASA Langley Research Center. You can read more about the early development of the project here. We are thrilled to be one of two locations in the country (the second being Yorktown, VA on the Chesapeake Bay) where prototypical equipment has been deployed.
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Roy delivering real-time water quality data from Standing Rush to the classroom at Toledo Public School's Natural Science Technology Center (NSTC). |
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This Eastern Foxsnake (or Fox Snake) neonate (or hatchling) -- a Species of Concern only found in marsh habitats of the Western Basin of Lake Erie in Ohio -- fittingly made its presence known while we were deploying the water quality buoy. |
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This nearly 5' Eastern Foxsnake specimen (which greeted Roy at the container door to the shop) did a little growing up -- and demonstrates that the species is thriving at Standing Rush. |
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Another shot of the emerging sea of green, taken in the Rest Pond toward the end of this month. |
Thursday, May 6, 2021
A Pandemic Salute to BWIAB
Because we will not be hosting tours as part of the Biggest Week in American Birding again this year due to the pandemic, I wanted to at least honor this remarkable event (which starts today) with some striking visuals, captured on the southern shore of our beloved Lake Erie by friend and renowned photographer Art Weber.
Thank you, Art, for your friendship, your enduring mentorship, your unwavering support of our mission, and for gracious access to your unbelievable skills at capturing nature through your imagery. I light up literally every time I see your work!
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An almost electric prothonotary warbler (one of my personal favorites) contemplates its next move to take down an immobilized Bombus (would need help to ID to species). |
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The tail-wagging palm warbler is a welcomed guest to Standing Rush each spring. |
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An alert Swainson's thrush proves one does not need to be bright to be beautiful. |
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Green herons are common nesters at the marsh (and now that we've moved, in my backyard) and I enjoy seeing -- and hearing -- them, particularly under the low-light of dawn and dusk. |
Friday, April 30, 2021
April: Following Nature's Ups and Downs
April's annual weather roller coaster was marked with record highs -- with the better part of a week pushing into the 80s (even upper 80s) -- and then near record lows (with 6" of snowfall on April 20/21 in southern portions of Erie County). But things stayed plenty active on and around the marsh.
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The stately parental pair of "our eagles" standing guard on their bayfront nest. |
Roy witnessed a very unusual drama playing out at our eagle nest on our Sandusky Bay shoreline. It all started the afternoon after an arctic blast interrupted what was starting to feel like early summer. While the marsh itself did not get any accumulating snow (due to the lake and bay warming into the 50s), the abrupt change may have upset the balance at the eagle nursery in the sky.
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An unexpected intruder to the nest on April 21. |
Even if it wasn't the weather, it was a third eagle (above) that tipped us off that something was amiss. While the proud parents were reluctant to do so, Roy watched as they relented to the persistent intruder, ultimately giving up their rightful spots on the nest to take up agitated perches on a nearby cottonwood tree. Roy's first instinct was that he might be witnessing a rare golden eagle predating on fledgling bald eagle chicks.
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A close-up of the intruder's heavy bill helped to confirm its identity. |
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While it is difficult to make out what the immature eagle was scavenging on, we feared the worst for the success of the eagle nest -- one of three at the marsh at present. |
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New growth through last year's decay. |
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Roy could only manage to scramble for his smartphone to capture this passing group of nearly three dozen American white pelicans. Since I first wrote about them in May of 2017, we've seen them sporadically, each spring. It's fun every time. |
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April wasn't all just wildlife watching -- it also marked the beginning of Roy's labor intensive and relentless annual assault on invasive species. First target victim: poison hemlock. |
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Happy Earth Day: Where Did the Last 447 Days Go?
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One little hint as to why there haven't been regular updates at . . . |
Happy Earth Day! I'm embarrassed to say it's been going on 15 MONTHS since I last posted an update to the website. As with so many aspects of life throughout 2020 and into 2021, routines have been turned upside down. But my day-to-day existence has been flipped on its axis by more than a global pandemic.
The photo above, like my publishing over the last year+, is already outdated. But #5 (or "Go-go" as we affectionately refer to her) was added to our family almost a full year ago now (!) and her presence begins to explain why I didn't have that extra hour at the end of each night to work on a blog post.
2020 was most certainly one for the history books in our family. The time that has elapsed since my last writing has brought about incredible change -- beyond the familiarity of terms like COVID, social distancing, quarantine, masking, etc., etc., etc. Four became five which is huge in its own right. But we also lost a family member to the pandemic, moved my mom out of my childhood home (down the road to my brother's), fully rehabbed that childhood home, said farewell to lifelong friends in Perrysburg, and moved into the house that without question shaped the trajectory of my life as a biologist -- not to mention as a person.
Wow, it's been a crazy stretch. But now that the highest priority boxes are unpacked and the new office space is more or less set up, it's time to circle back and offer updates on all that went on at Standing Rush since my last official post (1/31/2020) -- inexplicably 447 days ago! Not surprisingly, life did anything but stand still.
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The (7!) Krauses in front of the original Kraus Haus -- our new home (Photo courtesy of my sweet niece, Ellen Dziubek, |
ASIDE: I did write one complete post that was set to publish on 3/26/2020. I can't explain why, but I never made it go live (until just prior to publishing this post). I also started a half dozen other articles on the computer -- and literally dozens in my head -- that never made it onto the site, at least as they were originally conceived. I just could never find the bandwidth to bring them to satisfactory completion.
In an effort to expedite updates to the site, you'll see I've taken a slightly different tack than I had grown accustom to over the first almost three years of writing. Updates over the last ~15 months largely take the form of chronologically displayed photos, with the goal of using captions to at least provide some context. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully my retroactively posted monthly updates hit many of the highs (and lows) and allow additional opportunity to follow this breathtaking environment through its natural, seasonal cycles. My hope is this format will be sustainable, useful, and an enjoyable way to get back to much needed Moment(s) in the Marsh. Most would likely agree, we probably need them now more than ever.
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
March 2021: Thawing Out (Fast)
Sunday, February 28, 2021
February 2021: A Shot of Real Cold
A new month meant sustained cold. Only 10 of the 28 days got above freezing and most of those were on the front end of February. Lows were routinely in the teens or single digits, and we even dipped below zero on a few occasions. While we speculated whether we'd even get "walking ice" or a sustained stretch of "real winter," both ultimately came -- and in earnest.
Most of our attention turned to planning for the upcoming field season. But even as the marsh froze solid, there were tons of opportunities to see the strong pulse of life alive amongst a persistent blanket of snow and ice.
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Big ducks (mainly mallards with a few pintails) rise above a mostly frozen early February marsh to a rising sun and a setting moon. |
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"Our eagles" start to show consistent nesting behaviors in the massive tangle they have carefully constructed in the cottonwood next to the estuary. |
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It must be even colder up there in that seemingly constant wind. |
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Pretty hard to miss the nest (or even the protruding head/s of eagles) from afar (as always, click to enlarge). |
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We were able to take advantage of a completely frozen dike and a few thousand residual dollars in an open grant to carry on the erosion protection we started last August. |
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Coyotes are plentiful at Standing Rush (as evidence from our active trail cameras), but it's not very often we even catch a glimpse during broad daylight. |
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A couple cool shots of another common (but largely nocturnal) mammal of the marsh. |
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Even in bitter cold, moving water near Structure 1 kept small areas open with shad (in beak above) swimming beneath. This made for some distant (and therefore grainy) images of canvasbacks. |
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Speaking of grainy, we're still yet to get a good crisp image of one of my favorite marsh birds, the "marsh hawk" or northern harrier. Roy saw individuals scanning the fresh snow on several occasions. |
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Roy's return to the same vicinity the next day gave evidence that the mouse (or at least a mouse) and the marsh hawk (or a marsh hawk) were "introduced." (Click to enlarge) |
Sunday, January 31, 2021
January 2021: Turning the Page
While admittedly mostly a psychological victory, there definitely was a sense that a hurdle had been overcome by successfully closing the books on 2020 and welcoming a new year.
It's not that last year was terrible from a professional perspective at the marsh (it could have been a whole lot worse), but the reverberations of the pandemic were (and are) certainly being felt at Standing Rush: understandable but still difficult uncertainty surrounding future funding opportunities; dramatically reduced visitation to the property; significantly less direct educational outreach (although there is definitely some neat stuff on the near-term horizon that was hatched during the current academic year); limited contractor interaction . . . the list could go on.
But the bottom line is we continued to make progress, even if it was not at the pace we have grown accustom. And there are signs of light at the end of the public health tunnel. So we just need to keep the faith and keep trudging forward with our eyes wide open.
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Skim ice was about as much as we could muster in January, with 26 of 31 daytime highs above freezing in Bay View; this made for good conditions for the "puddlers" to keep puddling. |
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Another typical early winter scene in the Rest Pond. |
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Gotta love this many swans -- probably a combination of trumpeters and tundras. |
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Not all photos have to be National Geographic quality to be cool -- six sandhill cranes stopped by to get in on the action. |
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Just to confirm Roy wasn't just having fun, dike maintenance continues |
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And just like that, Mr. Mink is gone again . . . |